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Not the Man She Thought Page 4
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Page 4
What was he, twelve? “That’s not a reason.”
“Well, it’s the only one you’re going to get.”
She ground her jaw. “You’re a real ass, you know that?”
His mouth quirked. “I’ve been called worse.”
She let out a little snort of laughter. “I’m sure you have.”
Karsten glanced down at the cargo hold where the other men were watching the exchange with interest, before his gaze locked on her again. “Can I trust you to go back to your cabin, or do I have to escort you there myself?”
Laken glared up at him, wanting to say something rude, but then remembered her promise not to lose her temper. Whirling around, she stormed down the passageway. She knew she should go back to her room, but she was too wound up. Back on Tellune, she would have worked off the excess energy by doing laps in the pool or going for a run, but since her choices were more limited on a spaceship, she would have to settle for taking a walk instead.
The ship was quiet, the only sounds coming from the soft hum of the engines, and Laken didn’t encounter anyone as she made her way along the passageways. After a while, she found herself on the walkway above the cargo hold again. Karsten and the crew had left, and she stopped for a moment by the railing to gaze down at the crates below.
Remembering how Karsten had brusquely ordered Kamran to close the box they had been looking in when she had come by earlier, Laken found herself wondering what it was that the captain didn’t want her to see. Suddenly curious to know what he was hiding, she looked around to make sure no one was around, then quietly made her way down the metal steps and into the cargo hold.
Wondering if she might need something to pry open the box, Laken was surprised to discover that the lid wasn’t fastened shut. She slowly slid it to one side, careful not to make any noise. Packing material covered whatever was inside and she was just reaching out to push it aside when she heard the tramp of boots coming toward the cargo hold.
Her heart pounding, Laken quickly closed the box and headed for the steps, only to realized the men were coming down the upper walkway. Knowing there would be no escape that way, she quickly backpedaled as the voices came closer. Maybe she could just tell whoever it was that she had been out for a walk and gotten lost down there. Then she recognized Karsten’s deep tones and groaned. He would never believe her story. Swearing under her breath, she looked around wildly as she searched for a place to hide.
Darting across the hold, she ducked behind a stack of crates just as the men came into view. She’d hoped they would continue on their way, but no such luck.
“This drop has the potential to go wrong very quickly,” a man’s voice said from above her, and Laken recognized it as belonging to the ship’s first officer. “You know that, don’t you, Rade?”
Rade. That was Karsten’s given name? Somehow, it fit him.
“I know,” the captain said in answer to the other man’s question. “Which is why I’m having Finn and Kamran with me for security.”
The other man sighed. “Good, but even with four of you out there, you’re certain to be outnumbered if they decide to change the terms of the contract.”
There was silence for a moment before the captain replied. “I know. But the money’s too good to pass up.”
Crouched down behind the wooden crate, Laken frowned as she listened to the men’s exchange. She didn’t understand what they were talking about, but it definitely didn’t sound like any merchant dealings she’d ever heard of her father having.
Above her, the sound of footsteps receded along the walkway, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She waited until they had disappeared completely before slowly getting to her feet, only to freeze in place when she realized that the captain was still on the walkway. Though he was gazing down at the hold, he gave no indication he’d seen her, and she quickly ducked down behind the crate again. In her haste, she knocked a small box from where it had been precariously perched on a bigger one, and she cringed as it thumped to the floor.
Laken held her breath, wondering if the captain had heard the noise and would decide to come investigate. She got her answer a moment later when she heard the sound of his boots coming down the steps. If he found her hiding in the cargo hold after he had accused her earlier of sneaking around the ship...
She cautiously peered around the crate she was hiding behind to see the captain coming in her direction. Biting her lip to stifle a cry of dismay, she jerked back behind the crate. Should she stay where she was, or move from crate to crate as he searched? Deciding the latter was her best option, she slowly crawled forward on her hands and knees, only to come face to face with a pair of brown leather boots.
She jumped to her feet, backpedaling until she had managed to put the crate between her and a very angry Captain Karsten.
His dark eyes glinted. “I should have known it was you. What the hell are you doing down here?”
“I...” Laken trailed off, her head spinning as she desperately tried to come up with a lie. “I...I was missing an earring and thought I may have dropped it down here, so I came to look for it.”
The captain arched a brow as he looked pointedly at the expensive platinum earrings dangling from her ears. “You look like you’re wearing both of them to me.”
She swallowed nervously. “I-I found the one I was missing.”
“You really expect me to believe that?”
“It’s the truth.”
His eyes narrowed. “Obviously you didn’t learn anything from that spanking I gave you, did you? I guess that means you need another.”
Laken took a step back, holding out her hand to ward him off. “Stay away from me. I’ll scream. I swear it!”
He shrugged. “I don’t care. If you want the crew to see you getting spanked, then go ahead.”
Her face went red at the thought. What did he mean, see her getting spanked? Surely they would stop him, wouldn’t they? Then again, maybe not. He did seem to run the ship with an iron hand.
Laken tried to dart around the opposite side of the crate, but he was too fast for her. Grabbing her arm, he spun her around. Desperate to get away from him, she lifted her hand and slapped him as hard as she could across the face.
She braced herself, expecting him to hit her back, but to her surprise, his mouth quirked.
“That’s going to cost you, brat,” he said softly.
Before Laken could wonder what he meant by that, Rade Karsten sat down on one of the crates and dragged her over his knee.
Even though she had been ready for him this time, getting flung over his knee still knocked the breath from her and it took a moment for her to get it back. When she did, she immediately began struggling to free herself, for all the good it did. Karsten held her in place with an arm wrapped firmly around her waist, making escape all but impossible. She’d never known a man so strong.
“Let me up, you bastard!” she shouted at him.
His arm tightened around her. “I warned you about what would happen if you didn’t behave yourself, and now you’re going to get a very painful reminder.”
Uncaring that her wiggling was making her short skirt ride up even higher to expose more of her panty-covered ass than she would have liked, she continued to squirm against him wildly. “Damn you, let me...Owwwww!”
If Laken thought the spanking he had given her before had been hard, that was nothing compared to much the one he was giving her now stung. He peppered her ass with one smack after another until her cheeks felt like they were on fire. It didn’t help that her skimpy panties offered little protection. Her bottom might as well have been bare. And if that weren’t enough, Rade Karsten seemed to be concentrating the smacks right on the tender area of her sit-spots. Ouch!
The spanks kept coming no matter how much she kicked and squirmed and protested. The whole crew must have heard the racket she was making, but she didn’t care. Her ass was stinging so much that she probably would have agreed to anything Rade Karsten wanted if only he wo
uld stop spanking her.
Then, just when she was sure she couldn’t take any more, he finally did stop. Laken almost sighed with relief when Karsten stood her on her feet. She would have run from the cargo hold right then, but he held onto her arm, his gaze as hard as flint as he glowered down at her.
“I don’t want to find you sneaking around my ship again, especially the cargo hold,” he warned softly. “Or the next time, I’ll have your panties down around your thighs and you’ll get the spanking on that cute, little bare ass of yours.”
Laken’s face flamed scarlet. She had no doubt that it was as red as her bottom must be and the urge to run away from him was stronger than ever. But Rade kept her standing there by the force of his stare, regardless of the hand that was still lightly holding her arm.
“Do I make myself clear, Ms. Andara?”
Her stubborn pride wouldn’t let answer and she let silence meet his words. As it lengthened, Laken realized Karsten wasn’t going to let her go unless she had acknowledged him. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to speak.
“Yes,” she said between clenched teeth.
He regarded her in silence and she wondered if he was dissatisfied with her saucy answer. But to her relief, he finally released her. Taking that to mean she could leave, Laken whirled around and ran from the cargo hold. She wanted to maintain her dignity and walk away from him with her head held high, but her wildly beating heart, not to mention her throbbing ass, wouldn’t let her.
Chapter Three
Laken ran all the way back to her cabin. Her ass stung so much she wondered if she would even be able to sit down. Damn that bastard. Where did he get off thinking he had the right to spank her whenever he felt like it?
Going over to the sink, she lifted her skirt and half turned so she could see her derriere in the mirror. Her bottom was red and her green eyes went a little wide when she realized she could actually see the outline of handprints on her creamy skin. She stood there, staring at them as if transfixed. Abruptly, a vivid image of being draped over Karsten’s knee came to mind unbidden and she blushed hotly.
Swearing under her breath, Laken turned away from the mirror and went back into the bedroom. God, how she couldn’t wait to get off this ship. She didn’t know how far it was to Marlon Prime, but she hoped it wasn’t more than a few days. Whatever it was, it couldn’t go fast enough for her. The sooner she got away from, Rade Karsten, the better.
* * * * *
Laken was still in bed the next morning when she felt the ship set down on land. Her brow furrowed. She hadn’t realized they’d be getting to Marlon Prime so soon. Apparently, it was a lot closer to Tellune than it looked. Not that she was complaining. Swinging her legs out of bed, she slipped her feet into her shoes, then grabbed her purse and hurried out of the cabin.
While part of her wanted to stop by Karsten’s ready-room so she could tell him exactly what she thought of him and his ship, the other part wanted to slip off the ship without running into him again. As she stepped out onto the walkway above the cargo hold, she groaned when she saw Karsten standing by the railing with the first officer. Damn. So much for leaving without him seeing her.
“Hey, we missed you at breakfast.”
At the sound of Dev’s voice, Laken turned to see the other woman coming toward her. “I...uh..slept late.”
Actually, she hadn’t slept late at all. She just purposely hadn’t gone down to the mess because she knew the crew would be there. Besides not wanting to face Karsten after the spanking he had given her, she hadn’t been too eager to have breakfast with them after the scene he’d made the night before at dinner.
Laken turned back to the railing, watching as the crew loaded crates onto a personal transport vehicle. Her gaze went to the huge cargo-bay door and her brow furrowed. She couldn’t see much of the planet, but what she could see surprised her. She had expected a city, but all she saw were rolling hills and farmland.
“I thought it would be more modern,” she said to Dev.
“Seguu?” Dev shook her head. “Seguu’s one of those armpits of the galaxy. You know, the kind of planet you hear about and never want to visit.”
Laken’s frown deepened. “Seguu?” She’d never even heard of the place. “I thought you were going to Marlon Prime?”
“We are. “We just have some stops to make in between.”
Laken said nothing. When she’d overheard Finn and Kamran talking back on Tellune, it hadn’t occurred to her the cargo ship wouldn’t be going directly to Marlon Prime. Now instead of being able to get away from Karsten, she’d be stuck on this damn ship with him for who knew how long.
Squaring her shoulders, she marched over to where he stood talking with Kellen. Laken ignored the older man, directing her glare at Karsten.
“You lied to me.”
His eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
“When I came on board, you led me to believe that this heap of metal you call a ship was going straight to Marlon Prime. Now I find out you plan on docking at every Podunk planet in between.”
Rade Karsten clenched his jaw. “Maybe you should have thought to check our itinerary before you decided to sneak on board. Then you would have noticed this is actually a cargo ship, not your personal passenger liner.”
“If I hadn’t been so desperate, I would have. And trust me, this is not the ship I would have chosen.” She took a deep breath and forced herself to count to ten. “How long is it before we get to Marlon Prime?”
“Six or seven days.”
“Six or seven days? I’m going to be trapped on here with you people for seven more days?”
He smirked. “What’s wrong? Don’t find our company scintillating?”
She lifted a brow. “Hardly. Scintillating is kind of a big word for you, though, isn’t it? What did you do, look it up in the ship’s dictionary this morning just so you could impress me?”
Karsten’s face darkened, while beside him, his first officer had to fight to keep a straight face.
She shook her head. “Don’t answer that. Your ability to use big words isn’t my most pressing concern at the moment. My clothing is. I didn’t exactly pack for a week-long cruise. I’m going to need to do some shopping while we’re here. What time are you leaving, so I can make sure to be back by then.”
Karsten glanced at his first officer and the two exchanged a look before the older man excused himself. After he left, Karsten turned his attention back to her. “You’re not getting off the ship.”
“Yes, I am.”
He folded his arms across his broad chest. “No, you’re not. Seguu is no place for a woman like you.”
“A woman like me? And just what do you mean by that?”
Rade Karsten scowled. “I’m not going to explain myself to you. Just do as you’re told and stay on the ship. You can get anything you need from Dev.”
Turning on his heel, he walked away, leaving Laken to stare after him. Anger surged through her as she watched him make his way down the steps and into the cargo hold. Just who the hell did he think he was, giving her orders and telling her she wasn’t allowed off the ship? She wasn’t one of his crew, and she sure as hell wasn’t his prisoner. If she wanted to get off the ship, then she was damn well going to do it, no matter what he said.
Nice thought, but what if she wasn’t back by the time the ship left? She frowned, then shook her head. So what if they did? She’d just find transport on another ship, one that didn’t have a captain who was so uncouth.
Below her, the engine of the personal transport vehicle hummed to life, and from her position at the railing, Laken watched the captain climb into the front seat. Jorn and Vance followed suit, getting into the back, and a moment later, Keir maneuvered the craft through the door and out of the bigger ship.
Laken almost started for the stairs right then, but with Finn still below in the cargo hold, she decided to wait until he left. If he left. And if he didn’t? Considering how he felt about her presence on the ship, she doub
ted he would try to stop her from leaving. Not unless Karsten had given him a direct order, of course. But whether the captain had given him an order or not, she would never know, because a few moments later Finn came upstairs and disappeared into the ship.
Laken didn’t waste any time hurrying down the metal steps and out the door. At the bottom of the gangway, however, she came to an abrupt halt. Instead of docking at Seguu’s spaceport, the ship was in some field out in the middle of nowhere. She shouldn’t be surprised. After the conversation she’d overheard between Karsten and his first officer last night, she was beginning to think he and his crew weren’t exactly on the up and up. Which was all the more reason for her to find other means of transportation to Marlon Prime. Maybe she should look into that before she went shopping. To do that, though, she had to find the spaceport. Hoping the dirt road that ran past the ship led to a town of some sort, Laken picked a direction and headed that way.